
Interesting August 26, 2009

I’m not very up on Seventh Day Adventist anti-Catholic agitprop. I did not know, for instance, that (at least some) SDA’s have worked out rather elaborate scenarios of demons impersonating John Paul II as (yet another, prologue to the End Times). I guess everybody needs a hobby and endtimes speculations do the job for some. However, there’s always a danger that somebody will take this silly junk seriously (a process aided and abetted for those of sub-marginal reasoning powers by the handy fact that, in a communnion of a billion people, you can always find somebody somewhere to give you scandal).

So, somebody (thank God, not me) has to do the work of refuting this truly silly nonsense. And, as it happens, somebody has! A guy from Africa, no less, named Delali Adadzie who has put together a rebuttal here. (Evidently, SDA junk sells well in Africa.)

Me: After numerous failed end of the world predictions, bone-headed attempts to conform Christians to Jewish kosher laws in direct contradiction of Acts 15, and the inane insistence that Pope after Pope after Pope after Pope after Pope is the Anti-Christ (when do we get to the big gory persecution of the Church and gigantic hammerlock on the world’s economy part of the Romish Conspiracy?) I’d think any sensible person would conclude that SDAism is pretty much a sham. But people have an amazing capacity to rationalize. So bully for Delalie answering this absurd nonsense. If it rescues just one soul, it’s done enough.

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