Just Jen (who is always thoughtful and interesting)…

Just Jen (who is always thoughtful and interesting)… August 26, 2009

disagrees with me about Nurse Jackie.

My rather flip dismissal of the show is not something I’m particularly interested in going to the mat to defend. Mostly it’s the result of being a) extremely busy and b) weary of dramas and shows that make me feel like taking a shower afterward.

Weariness is not an aesthetic or moral judgment. It’s just… weariness. Hamlet, Lear and Macbeth are great art. But there are times and moods when I would as soon read P.G. Wodehouse or watch Loony Tunes as confront, yet again, the Fallen Human Condition. My bleat yesterday was, in other words, more about me than about Nurse Jackie.

All of which is to say, you should read Jen’s interesting and intelligent commentary, not only on that show, but about anything. She’s good stuff!

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