Lucy, Beautiful and Perfect as She is, Would Never Think…

Lucy, Beautiful and Perfect as She is, Would Never Think… August 18, 2009

of calling her Mom “the instrument chosen by God to give life to Lucy the Cuteness”, still less would she have the towering narcissism of a Maciel-bot, who even at this late hour, is pushing the canonization of Maciel’s mother as the one who ordained by God “to prepare the earth in which his vocation as a Christian, a priest and the Founder of the Legion of Christ would germinate.”

The machine Maciel built goes on functioning precisely as he designed it to function. It’s like a giant robot that has had it’s head blown off by canon fire in a bad 50s sci-fi film. It just stumbles on, remaining “on message” and continuing the now-unthinking exaltation of the Founder because that’s what the machine was built to do.

Lucy is a good little girl and wouldn’t do that.

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