Lucy can’t write…

Lucy can’t write… August 18, 2009

…and if she could, she wouldn’t write dumb stuff about Catholic Marian devotion, especially nonsensical rubbish in which atheists refer to Marian icons as “idols”.

No. Lucy is a good little girl and would try to make the effort to understand what people mean rather than tell them what they mean over their vocal protests that they mean no such thing.

Nothing quite shows the curious kinship between atheism and virulent anti-Roman Protestantism as the curious way in which atheists will adopt the language of faith in order to attack the Catholic faith. “Idolatry” is a weird thing for an atheist to charge Catholics with since the concept presupposes a distinction between the true God and false gods. In an atheist universe, there is no idolatry; merely delusion about the existence of the supernatural.

But, of course, in any case, nothing says “Scratch an atheist, find a fundamentalist” as the tired and exploded claim that Marian devotion is tantamount to “Mary worship”.

Lucy, being a good little girl, will certainly love her mothers (both earthly and heavenly). But she will never be so silly as to mistake them for God, still less to mistake pictures of them for God.

Heather: you need a copy of Mary, Mother of the Son, post haste.

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