Lucy (our new grand-daughter) doesn’t know how to pray yet

Lucy (our new grand-daughter) doesn’t know how to pray yet August 18, 2009

Her prayer is basically the Prayer of Being whereby she gives glory to God by existing rather than not existing. A fine prayer in its own way for somebody of her age. However, if she could pray, she would say, “I’m still too small to bear the burden of prayer for all these great big needs, so will you please pray instead, because you are a big strong adult?” Then she will look at you with those big beautiful eyes and you’ll go all melty and do whatever she asks.

In the spirit of Meltiness before Purity and Beauty (which is pretty much what Marian prayer is suffused with), please remember, of your charity, these needs from various readers:

My Aunt Viv was recently diagnosed with an extremely radical brain tumor that is located so deep in the brain it is inoperable. My Aunt is the youngest of 11 from a large Catholic family and I am one of ~65+ first cousins, and we are all praying for a miracle. However I feel our whole family is in need of prayers as well, and feel that we are all being tested right now as we support her through this ordeal.


For an elderly woman in the hospital with respitory distress.

For our local food pantry. August is always a hard time of year for food banks, and this year is bad for charities. They have issued a red alert because they are so short.


My grandmother who recently finished up her chemotherapy treatments has now been having bad pains in her upper GI tract. She’s going in for tests tomorrow morning bright and early, so prayers for that would be much appreciated. Thanks! Mark, we’re all still praying for your family, too.


I hate to harsh your new grandpa mellow, but I have a prayer request. It appears one of my best friends in the parish is facing cancer–again. Lauren has already battled a serious cancer several years ago, but made a miraculous recovery thanks to lots of prayer and a rock solid faith. Now it looks as if the cancer is back. She is going for a biopsy this afternoon. She is the kind of person who is there for everyone else and keeps her own burdens to herself. She helped me through some difficult and painful stuff several years ago, and I would like to return the favor. Please unleash the power of the blog and lift up this faithful daughter of Christ.

Lord, hear our prayer!

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