Most Awesome Combox Comment of the Week

Most Awesome Combox Comment of the Week August 14, 2009

Pure joy in the comboxes happens when a reader writes:

Regarding your books on the Marian teachings of the Catholic Church: You’ll love this story.

I’m a prison chaplain (Anglican) and I’m doing a Bible study in the inter-faith dorm when one of the guys asks about the belief in the perpetual virginity of the Virgin Mary. As a way of helping the majority Protestant crowd grasp Catholic reverence for Mary, I speak of her as the “Ark” of the New Covenant who bore The Word. I go on to explain… “Now if Uzzah was struck down for touching the Ark of the Old Covenant, how do you think Joseph felt about touching the Ark which bore the eternal Word, Jesus Christ?”

At this point, a L-A-R-G-E black brother from Cleveland (former drug dealer) says Mr. T-style — “Makes sense to me. You’ld hafta be a foool to touch her! She was God’s baby’s Mama!”

Honestly, that’s a great boost for ecumenical understanding with a little help from the ghetto. I love my job!


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