My proposal for a New Ecumenism

My proposal for a New Ecumenism August 31, 2009

We have a lot of Mormons in Seattle, and of course, Archbishop Brunett is very big on ecumenism. So in Seattle parishes, I think we should always set aside just a few minutes in every Sunday Mass for a representative of Mormonism to take a few minutes and talk to us about Mormon social teaching. I think it’s best to have an ex-Catholic convert to Mormonism do the teaching since that way he can communicate his ideas to us more effectively. Some killjoys and bleeding heart liberals are upset by this proposed alliance with a group of proven advocates of Family Values, but I say “No enemies on the Right”. What could possibly be the harm of forming our hearts, minds and consciences with the wisdom and insights of former Catholic Mormons? It’s just a few minutes out of each Sunday liturgy!

What? Some of you are upset by that? That’s odd! Oh! Wait! It’s the idea of having an ex-Catholic Mormon form your heart, mind and conscience at the *liturgy* that’s so upsetting! Well then, let’s just put him in charge of faith formation, catechesis, and religious ed outside the liturgy! How about hour long teaching sessions each day (available over radio and TV) in which Catholics disciple themselves to the ex-Catholic Mormon thinker and take clear and direct marching orders on exactly where they should go and what they should do? What could possibly be the harm in Catholics embracing this model of catechesis on Catholic social teaching?

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