Perhaps of Interest

Perhaps of Interest August 18, 2009

Saint Benedict Press writes:

Saint Benedict Press started just two years ago, with the intention to publish great Catholic Classics, and just last year acquired TAN Books, a publisher for 41 years known nationally and internationally as the source for orthodox Catholic books. Together we promise the same great commitment to orthodoxy along with improved quality and design!

With Fall fast approaching , we are scheduled to release several brand new titles. As a blogger in the Catholic community, I thought you might be interested in our new releases. I hope to keep you informed about these upcoming titles, which include:

The Gargoyle Code: Lenten Letters between a Master Tempter and His Diabolical Trainee
By Father Dwight Longenecker

In the name of the Lord Below, master Tempter Slubgrip writes urgent letters to apprentices Dogwart and Bracket, teaching them all the tricks of the trade: lies, licentiousness, vanity, occultism, hubris, dishonest motives… Will they succeed in driving their patients away from God by Easter Sunday?

The Abbess of Andalusia: The Spiritual Biography of Flannery O¹Connor
By Lorraine Murray

Drawing heavily upon O’Connor’s personal letters, and the testimonies of those who knew and loved her, author Lorraine Murray (Grace Notes, Confessions of an Ex-Feminist) paints the picture of a faithful yet complex Catholic woman, one who passionately defended Church doctrine even as she eschewed sappy piety and mocked self-important clergymen; an introverted woman who cherished her privacy yet labored selflessly to evangelize the students and seekers who came to her for answers.

The Wisdom of Mr. Chesterton: The Very Best Quips, Quotes & Cracks from the Pen of G.K. Chesterton
Edited by Dave Armstrong

Enjoy the purest distillations of G.K.’s wit and charm with this unique collection of the pithiest and most profound sentences ever to spring from his pen. Meticulously organized by topic!

Hungry Souls: Supernatural Visits, Messages, and Warnings from Purgatory
Written and translated by Gerard J.M. van den Aardweg

Recounts trustworthy, Church-verified accounts of earthly visitations from the dead in Purgatory. Accompanying these accounts are images from the ³Museum of Purgatory² in Rome, which contains relics of encounters with the Holy Souls!

Biblical Basis for Purgatory
By John Salza

Author and apologist John Salza (Why Catholics Cannot Be Masons) offers the definitive scriptural explanation of this distinctively Catholic doctrine. Building on the teachings of Christ and St. Paul, he shows how the existence of a place of temporal punishment after death is not only a logical extension of what we know about the reality of sin and God’s justice, but is also a supreme expression of God’s love and mercy.

A word about The Gargoyle Code. Fr. Longenecker is a fun writer, writing in a genre basically invented by C.S. Lewis in his Screwtape Letters. He’s also a guy much influenced by the Prophet Chesterton, especially in his understanding that sometimes, the best thing you can do with the world is look at it upside down in order to appreciate how astonishing, strange and beautiful it is. In the same way, Gargoyle Code, like Screwtape, makes all the blacks white and all the whites black in order to awaken us to a sane moral order and the goodness of God.

My one bit of advice (besides “Read it!”) is this: get it directly from the author. Despite the peculiar delusions some folk harbor about “Catholic Authorship: The Path to Wealth and Power!” the reality is that Catholic writers eke out a living. Book royalties will often get you dinner and a movie every six months. Sometimes, it’s just a Mountain Dew and a video rental. We fare a much better (though that still means nothing like a living on a single book) from orders made directly to the author rather than through a bookstore or Amazon. Through the miracle of economics we call “buying at cost, selling at retail” we actually see a real profit. If you want to bless Fr. Longenecker, buy the Gargoyle Code from him. You will, by the way, bless yourself too cuz it’s a fun book!

Also, I’m pretty sure Lucy the Cuteness would want you to.

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