Speaking of Obama…

Speaking of Obama… October 2, 2009

Am I the only one who thinks Drudge is, like, totally junior high about Obama failing to get the Olympics to Chicago?

I completely lack a sports gene, so I could not care less where the Olympics wind up because I will be not watching them wherever they are. Consequently, I was not riveted to my monitor following the progress of his wheeling and dealing, trying to get them to Chicago. I’m not altogether persuaded that “getting the Olympics to Chicago” is in the Constitutional job description for a President and I rather took Obama at his word a few days ago when he said he had more pressing concerns (war and global economic meltdown come to mind). But, hey, if he changed his mind and thought an Olympics would help perk up the economy a bit, he gets to make that call. I don’t much care. Nor do I understand why anybody else would, except somebody who vaguely hoped that it might be a little shot in the arm for our stumbling economy.

So I totally don’t get Drudge gloating that he failed to get the games. It’s like he’s happier to see Obama fail then he would be if Obama succeeded in doing something to boost the economy. That seems, well, stupid to me. I want Obama to fail when he does something pernicious (like sign into law legislation that forces me to pay for baby-killing). But I don’t want Obama to fail when he’s trying to do something innocuous like bring a bunch of sports fans to the US to spend a great deal of money. I think that’s a case of sin making you stupid by the time-honored method of cutting off the nose to spite the face. Unfortunately, in our tribalized political atmosphere, we seem to be at a place where it is more important that your political enemy fail than that he succeed in doing something that might benefit the common good.

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