Two Prayer Requests Before I Go

Two Prayer Requests Before I Go October 7, 2009

A reader writes:

I urgently need prayer and intervention in my marriage. Please ask your readers to pray that the life of the Holy Spirit is brought into my marriage. My wife is strongly considering divorce and I do not want this.
We have two young children. Thanks in advance.

And another reader writes:

I did something stupid (not sinful), and now I’m at the mercy of one man over the best job I’ve ever had. I am very afraid of losing my job, but more than anything I need help offering up my anxiety to God. I can’t even function right now, I’m so scared.

Father, hear our prayer for both of these situations, that your saving power may be seen and your Name glorifed through our Lord Jesus. Mother Mary, pray for you children and obtain for them what they need through Jesus. We ask all this in the glorious Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Update: Here is a third (from the Dominican Republic):

I am writing to ask for your prayers for my grandfather who just had another Vascular Accident on his Brain. He´s been stable, but still has no coordination in words and walking. Along with Our Mother Mary and Saint Jude I hope he gets better.

Father, hear our prayer through your Son Jesus Christ! Mother Mary and St. Jude, pray for this man and all who love him!

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