The most mysterious criticisms I get

The most mysterious criticisms I get November 25, 2009

are the ones abundantly illustrated in the comments here, for instance, which say in mixed tones of bafflement, rage and disappointment, “How can you simultaneously be a Catholic writer who respects the Church’s teaching… and yet also be so critical of torture and its apologists?”

How do I *live* in that sort of contradiction?

I am large. I contain multitudes. I also believe in democracy and yet I vote. I oppose abortion and yet love babies at the same time. I think the family and marriage to be sacred and yet I hate divorce and oppose gay “marriage” as a sham and a fraud. I believe in Catholic Just War teaching and yet I oppose war crimes. I say I support Catholic moral teaching and yet I reject the notion that the ends justify the means. I claim to have faith in Jesus, yet I receive sacraments and pray to Him. Clearly, I am a fragmented and incomprehensible personality. There’s no telling what I might say next!

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