Joyful News!

Joyful News! January 15, 2010

Frank Beckwith, former prez of the Evangelical Theological Society who returned to the Catholic Church a short while ago, reports that Joshua Betancourt, who co-authored Is Rome the True Church?, has made up his mind on that question and entered into full communion with the Catholic Church.

In other news, another Evangelical is feeling the strange sense of elation and dread which comes of being deep in history. He asks a reasonable question, since it is, in fact, the case that the Catholic claims are so outrageous that they leave you little choice in answering the same question from Mother Church as was asked by our Lord: “Who do you say I am?” Let’s pray for him that the answer to that question will be truly and charitably sought and answered by grace-filled agents of the Holy Spirit in his life and that he may come to full communion with Holy Church as well.

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