Prayer Request

Prayer Request January 22, 2010

A reader writes:

I have a couple of prayer requests in you all have a prayer to spare. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer last month. She came through surgery splendidly, especially given her age and general health level. Now the three months of chemo starts. Please pray for her that she would be comfortable and strength. Yesterday, my sister called and let me know that my dad has to go for surgery this morning on his bladder. We are not sure what the diagnosis, but signs are pointing to cancer. My father is in his 80’s so this is a remarkably tense time. And then there are some thing happening in my personal life that I need strength and discernment. So, if your dear readers give a thought I would appreciate the spiritual assist.

Father, we ask that you would be with each member of this family in this time of trial and that you would grant them peace, healing, strength and consolation through your Son Jesus Christ by the working of the Holy Spirit. Mother Mary, St. Luke, and St. Peregrine, pray for them! Amen!

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