The hilarious thing…

The hilarious thing… January 19, 2010

…is that the apocalyptic types on the Right who have been breathlessly awaiting the revelation of Obama as a tyrant where all gung ho for intrusive government during the Bush Years. It’s like half the country will cheer when it turns out that is was their guy spying on them and running their civil rights through the shredder.

Similarly, if innocent people were being murdered at Gitmo and having their throats cut out in order to hide the fact that they were not suicides as the government said–and it was on Obama’s watch? Hoo boy, the Right would be in full melt down mode right now. But since it happened as a result of the policies enacted by the war criminal in charge of the last Administration, we should all feel safer.

Read both links but, especially, read the second one. This is what so-called Faithful Conservative Catholics have been staunchly supporting and defending for the past six years.

And they will be remembered for it, leaving yet another completely unnecessary stain on the Church’s honor with their cowardice. Has our Lord not suffered enough from the scourge of pro-choice Catholics? Must he also have pressed down on his head the humiliating crown of thorns from the pro-torture zealot?

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