Large Hadron Collider Disappoints Science Fiction Fans

Large Hadron Collider Disappoints Science Fiction Fans March 31, 2010

fails to create world-destroying black hole or tears in fabric of space-time resulting in invasion of monsters from the multiverse.

Some are still hopeful that a discovery of the God Particle will speed Hal Lindsey’s hopes for a much-anticipated apocalypse and Dan Brown readers are still looking for it to start pouring out gallons of antimatter: Europe’s renewable energy resource.

For a Hard Science take on the LHC, here you go:

My hope is that Mike Flynn or John C. Wright can write posts explaining the basic science of the thing. Flynn, at least, needs to do this in reparation for this dreadful punning limerick he left on my blog yesterday:

The poets, all chained in a line,
To wed Princess must lash others’ spine.
Thus bards of a fetter
Must flog to get her,
And do so with nary a whine.

Oh dear.

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