
Ayup! April 28, 2010

Many “tea party” activists staunchly oppose big government, except when it is warring, wiretapping, or waterboarding. – James Bovard

With the exception of the Ron Paul sort of Tea Partier, I see mostly chaotic incoherence from this Movement. They’re not about small government. They are about small government when it comes to domestic issues. They are about gigantic government when it comes to vast End to Evil Projects abroad built on Dubya’s fantasies about Salvation through Democratic Capitalism imposed by war and torture.

It’s of a piece with the crazy notion that one can be pro-family and pro-military–and condemn military families to endless tours of duty as we continue the project of propping up a failed narco-state in Afghanistan and a simmering cauldron of internecine strife in Iraq. And now they are beating the drum for war with Iran. On the bright side, we can finally say that the Bush and Obama Administrations are on essentially the same page here, so we have unity around the same mad goals.

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