Haven’t these people read fairy tales?

Haven’t these people read fairy tales? April 19, 2010

Haven’t they seen the Twilight Zone?

A British game retailer has a clause in their buyer agreements that stipulate the buyer surrenders their immortal soul.

History is one long horse race between our titanically stupid willingness to throw away and treat lightly what is most important and God’s eagerness to keep us from getting what we constantly and idiotically tell him we want.

On very rare occasions, when it works into the plan, God says to people like Esau, “You want to sell your birthright for a mess of pottage? Okay, you have your wish.” Folklore gives us genie stories to illustrate the same point about how those whom the gods would destroy get their prayers answered. However, much of salvation history consists much more of God’s time and energy being bent toward taking our acts of utterly juvenile defiance and wickedness and turning them to our good and his glory. Exhibit A: the passion, death and resurrection of Christ. It is only because 2000 years of grace has kneaded it into our assumptions that we can go on flipping God the bird and expect it all to work out well. If God, for 24 hours, let us really experience the full consequences of our persistent evil, the world would perish in flames.

And we have the gall to constantly accuse him of not caring.

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