Prayer Request

Prayer Request April 9, 2010

A reader writes:

My wife and I ask for your continued prayers for our pregnancy. In early January, we went to our first ultrasound and the tech couldn’t find any sign of life in the child. Five weeks later, we returned to see if there were any cancerous cells and were happily surprised to see a fully healthy child. We are now 16 weeks pregnant, and have experienced some minor spotting, which has scared us very badly. Our doctors have still detected a healthy heartbeat and all, but after our first two miscarriages, we remain very anxious about this child. Please pray for our baby’s safety…and our sanity!

Father, hear our prayer for a safe pregnancy and delivery for this mother and child through your Son Jesus Christ. Grant skill to the caregivers, health and strength to mom and child and peace to all who love them. Mother Mary, St. Joseph, and St. Luke, pray for them!

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