A Crisis Averted

A Crisis Averted May 12, 2010

Yesterday, the number of my Followers dropped from 405 to 404. I, of course, did not mention this because I did not want to spawn a panic. However, I did have to weigh what course of action I should take. “Perhaps I should kill all 404 of my Followers as a warning to the others?” I thought. But this seemed to me to be too logical and predictable. So instead I decided to wait and see if the Stockholm Syndrome-inducing chemical with which I liberally lace the chow in my Pits of Despair would bring my traitor crawling back.

As of today, I am happy to announce the number is back up to 405. Apparently my strategy worked. Either that, or another haply fly has flown into my web. At any rate, extra rations of grog for all!

That said, we still need either 95 or 595 more followers to give CAEI a nice round number. I will continue to fly into arbitrary rages and stony depressed silences until my capricious will is accomplished.

Speaking of which: Did I say grog? I meant flog. I’ll be in my Dark Tower, brooding.

That is all!

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