Benedict “Two Sheds” XVI

Benedict “Two Sheds” XVI May 5, 2010

Headlines like “Pope, in respite from scandal, visits Turin Shroud

reminds me of this:

The press, for two solid months has attacked the one guy who has done more to deal with this pestilence than anybody else. They leave in their wake a public made vastly more stupid and ignorant about Benedict, full of moral panic and shrill self-righteousness, but not one whit more able to do anything constructive for victims, vast numbers of whom they care nothing about because they are not usefully Catholic.

Last year, there were six, count ’em six, victims of priestly abuse in an American Church of 68 million people. Their victimizers were flushed from the priesthood with alacrity. Meanwhile, kids are endangered in numbers that are orders of magnitude larger in our public schools and the MSM doesn’t care a bit.

I repeat: this is not Reform. This is war on the Church. Benedict is one of the good guys and these jackals in the MSM don’t care a bit.

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