Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests May 10, 2010

A reader asks:

May I humbly ask your prayers regarding work problems?

Father, hear our prayer that these problems be resolved to the glory of your Name and the good of your servant through Christ Jesus our Lord. Mother Mary and St. Joseph, pray for this person.

Another reader asks:

A request for prayer for my mother-in-law, who goes in for a total hip replacement Tuesday. She’s only 57. Please pray for the operation to be successful and without complications.

Father, hear our prayer for a successful surgery with no complications, to the glory of your Name, through Jesus Christ. Mother Mary and St. Luke, pray for her and all those entrusted with her care.

In addition, John Mallon writes:

I have some good news… Sophia Press has expressed interest in a book I have been working on. The working title is Porn Widows: A Catholic guide to Recovering a Marriage—and a Husband.

It was inspired by a letter that appeared in the Sooner Catholic last year from an anonymous woman about how her husband’s porn habit was destroying her family. It avoid the harsh will-power admonitions gives a spiritual guide to wives who cannot understand her husband’s habit and guides for looking after her own spiritual life first, remaining calm and steps to recover her husband’s love trust and communication from behind his shame or denial. It was also inspired by the letters I’ve received whenever I’ve written on the topic. Please pray it will be published and do a lot of good. The market is certainly there.

I have also completed two semesters of my studies with a 4.0 GPI (Thank the Lord!) And am now qualified to do addiction counseling. But I need your help. In the last 3 weeks I have been sick—not seriously—but very weary. My Dr. sent me to an urgent care clinic on a Saturday because of abdominal pain which turned out to be diverticulitis, but more troubling was that my urine was brown—like iced tea, and my own dr. wants me to see my urologist, who is unfortunately out of town so I can’t see him till the 17th. Into to this came a depressive episode, which I am prone to under stress. I have said before I’ve survived two life-threatening illnesses in my life: cancer and major depression and the cancer was easier. But the depression is managed, I just have to keep overriding feelings of hopelessness. With God’s help I am soldiering on.

I am also considering a new weekly column on a Catholic website, (which will not pay).

Also my beloved cat, Peggy, has been found with a tumor and this has made me very sad and added some grief to the picture. Please pray for her (and me.)

I ask for prayers for some friends of mine with far worse troubles: My friend Theresa is undergoing a double mastectomy today. Please pray for her. Also my dear friend, a man who has been like a father to me has had a stream of unspeakable tragedies. Please pray for him and his family.

Also I am broke and overdrawn with bill collectors after me. I was hope I would not have to ask again, but such is life. If anyone can help by sending a few dollars (only if you can afford it) to my PayPal I would be so deeply grateful. And please pray that I will not be in a position to impose on your kindness like this again.

Donations can be made at the PayPal button on my website here:


Some people uncomfortable with PayPal have asked for my mailing address. Here it is:

John Mallon
9783 Hefner Village Blvd
Oklahoma City, OK 73162

Father, hear our prayer for John and his friends, that your Name be glorified by their triumph in Christ Jesus over their health and finance problems. We ask this in the Name of Jesus. Mother Mary, pray for them. Sts. Luke and Peregrine and Dymphna, pray for them.

Reader Geoffrey Miller writes:

Marie’s father is in the hospital and in danger of death. Please off your prayers for them.

Father, hear our prayer for this man through Jesus your Son. Grant him life and healing or, if it be your will that he die, the grace of a happy death. Mother Mary, pray for him. Grant, Father, strength and consolation to those who love him and grant skill to his caregivers through Jesus as well.

Finally, a reader ask for prayer “For a man whose immediate family is rejecting him, for reconciliation and healing, through our Lord Jesus Christ and the intercession of the Holy Family.” Father, hear our prayer for the triumph of love and reconciliation through your Son Jesus Christ. Grant peace to your children and their family, wipe away every tear, and bring about the triumph of your Blessed Name through Jesus Christ. Mother Mary, pray for all involved in this sadness that the light of Christ may dawn here.

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