Scientific guess….

Scientific guess…. May 10, 2010

spawns Evangelical guessing.

Our culture treats the Evangelical guess as silly, but (for reasons still inscrutable to me) treats the scientific guess as Real News. If you read the side bar on the Science Guess you get more guessing, including the inevitable Trendy Tie In piece about how Climate Change (that Omnipotent Goddess) may have killed off Neanderthal. This is a shift from the You Should Feel Guilty for Being Human explanation that Homo Sapiens killed off Neanderthal (a theme that plays well into vague White Guilt feelings about other moments in ethnic cleansing in our history).

The thing is, we don’t know hardly anything about Neanderthal. He’s extinct. He’s been that way for quite some time. We don’t know where he came from, what he thought about, or where he went. That’s why this is all guesswork.

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