Thank you!

Thank you! July 20, 2010

To the various kind people who spontaneously dropped money in the tip jar after my whine yesterday. Also, deeply grateful thanks for you prayers and expressions of compassion. The ear still hurts like hell, but I did persuade the doc to change the meds since it was doing nothing (except perhaps feeding the bug with delicious amoxicillin). Now I’m on something called clarithromycin, which they tell me will start to work in three day. They also gave me hydrocodone for the pain, as well as some ear drops. The drops did nothing. Today I can’t tell if my ear is full of old ear drops or pus. Fun!

The good thing is that I don’t have to do more expensive clinic visits at this point. Just call and scream loud enough about the pain and they change the prescription. I’ll hopefully know by tomorrow if the new med are killing the bug.

I keep asking God to use this for his glory in union with Christ crucified. No point in wasting perfectly good suffering.

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