10,000 is a nice round number

10,000 is a nice round number September 14, 2010

It’s easy for people who worship the intellect rather use it to remember. So, of course, the worshippers of the intellect will ignore Brendan O’Neill when he tries to speak rationally and truthfully to agenda-driven hysterics.

People talk as though *every* atheist is an “honest atheist”. T’ain’t so. The complete cold shoulder that greets a real honest atheist like O’Neill is the proof. Just as Catholics who proclaim themselves “devout” are anything but, so atheists who constantly boast their commitment to reason are typically irrational. Pride blinds atheists as well as believers.

“Do remember you are there to fuddle him. From the way some of you young fiends talk, anyone would suppose it was our job to teach!” – Uncle Screwtape

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