From A Conservative Blog for Peace

From A Conservative Blog for Peace September 21, 2010

…comes this tidbit:

Right, we’re selling $60 billion worth of advanced weapons to the country most of the 9/11 hijackers came from because our régime (Israel really) now hates Iran. (I guess that ‘Ayatollah A**ahola’ T-shirt’s back in style.) Game plan: keep yammering about the Ground Zero mosque and maybe the proles won’t notice.

It does seem to be rather majoring in minors to strain at the gnat of the Ground Zero Mosque while swallowing the camel of handing $60 billion of advanced weaponry over to the country that gave us Wahabism and the guys who destroyed the WTC. Of course, there’s no way that in a porous system of shifting tribal allegiances our Friends the Saudis would ever let those things fall into the wrong hands.

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