Prayer Request

Prayer Request September 30, 2010

My family is part of a small school of 30 kids. Yesterday after school, one of our students, a 15 year old girl, was hit by a car (while crossing in a crosswalk!) about 2 blocks from the front door of the school. She was helicoptered to the local children’s hospital, where she is now. So far, the doctors have found a broken clavicle, broken orbital bones (face) and maybe a cracked pelvis and some issues with her neck, and scrapes and bruises – but she’s awake and seems to be doing OK, considering.

So, please pray, and ask the team to pray for the girl, her family (two little sisters and mom and dad), the 11 year old girl who was standing next to her when this happened, the driver of the car, and the rest of the kids and families at the school – we’re so small that everybody knows everybody, so this really affects the community.

Father, hear our prayer for this girl and for all those who love her. Grant skill to her caregivers and help her to make a full recovery. We ask this through Jesus Christ, your Son. Mother Mary, pray for all involved!

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