Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests October 4, 2010

I’m a long time blog reader and I just wanted to share this urgent need for prayer for this girl and her unborn child (17 weeks gestation):

Although she says her mind is made up, she just seems scared and alone and could really use some loving guidance. Reading the comments is very heartbreaking, since most of them are strongly pro-abortion with lots of people going so far as to offer to drive her to the clinic. In this site there is the ability to private message her, which, if anyone feels so moved, I would encourage, as she’d be more likely to see it than some buried comment.

Her abortion is scheduled for Friday, so can we petition heaven for this little life?

Father, hear our pray for this woman and for the child she carries, that she would make the right decision and love her child to life through Jesus Christ. Mother Mary, pray for them!

Matt Talbot (a Vox Novan in whom there is no guile) writes:

Just a quick prayer request that I have a safe journey – I’m taking an epic road trip/pilgrimage across the United States. I’ll be on the road for about a month or month and a half.

PS – The first leg of the journey will take me up the west coast to Washington state, and then across the north all the way to New England, and since that’s your neck of the woods, I was thinking it might be nice to stop by and say hi.

Father, protect Matt on the road and fill him with your grace as he seeks your Face through Christ our Lord! Mother Mary, pray for him!

Matt: Love to meet you. I will send you our contact info!

Another reader writes:

Please ask your readers to pray for this young family in Bellingham, and the two drivers involved. Their 2 year old daughter, Anna, was killed and mother, Melissa, injured yesterday while crossing in the crosswalk, walking home with the older children, from school at Assumption Parish. A 17 year old girl was driving and was distracted, ran into a car that had stopped for the family crossing the street, that then ran into the little girl and her family. Here is a copy of the news article.

When we were living in Bellingham, I remember this little family, and the little girl, who was then a newborn. The family had come to Sacred Heart Parish to help celebrate the children having their First Holy Eucharist.

The faith community is wrapping the arms of Christ around this family, as well as the Bellingham Community at large.

Thank you, so much!

Father, hear our prayer for all involved in this tragedy, and grant eternal rest to little Anna, and consolation and peace to Melissa. Grant also that the drivers would find mercy and peace as they grapple with the pain of this. Mother Mary, pray for everyone involved in this. We ask all this through Jesus Christ.

Another reader writes:

My birth country, the Philippines, is undergoing a grave moral crisis. Legislators in the national Congress have put forward a Reproductive Health bill that contains provisions that I can only describe as anti-family, increasing access to contraceptives and providing for sex education for students as young as Grade 5 (about 11 years of age). You can read about what it says here.

One of the main stated reasons is (and this may sound familiar) is that proper ‘family planning’ education will help reduce poverty. Of course, this is really a euphemistic way of saying that there are too many poor people using up resources. Rich Filipinos already command an outsized proportion of the national wealth, and furthermore many of these are members of powerful families that control the countryside like little feudal states beyond the reach of the federal government. Meanwhile, political corruption and cronyism continues to thrive, and social justice is regularly violated by the Ruling Classes. This new bill is yet another assault on the livelihood of the Filipino peasantry, but even more insidious it is a spiritual attack rather than a physical attack.

The situation is dire. Recent polls suggest outstanding levels of support for the RH bill and for contraception specifically. Furthermore, I can speak from experience that the Philippines is having a spiritual crisis amongst its richer citizens. Many of my well-to-do relatives no longer attend Mass regularly. I can only imagine how many other such Filipinos are similar; disaster can only follow if religiosity becomes divided over class lines, especially as the rich (much more dangerous than the rich of developed nations like America) continue to grow more secular. I can imagine, however, the effects of more available contraception, for its effects have been made manifest in the West already: broken families, disrupted communities, loss of spirituality and meaning.

I ask that all of your readers pray for the Philippines, for the Filipino bishops who are struggling uphill against the tide of pro-choice sentiment, and especially for the conversion of the President who is known to be pro-choice. St. Lorenzo Ruiz, pray for us!

Father, hear our prayer for the Phillipines through Jesus Christ! Mother Mary and St. Lorenzo, pray for them!

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