More prayer requests

More prayer requests November 16, 2010

A reader writes:
One of my family has a young daughter that just went to intensive care.

They think meningitis and said they’ll know in the next 24hrs whether she’s going to make it or not. It started yesterday AM as slightly sick and by last night she was shaking uncontrollably and had lost her sight. Please keep them in your prayers.
Father, hear our prayer for her complete healing through Christ our Lord. Mother Mary and St. Luke, pray for her and all who love her and are responsible for her care.

Another reader writes:

A few years ago I put something on my face that was homemade and supposed to be good for the skin. It actually caused a small tiny bit of damage back then but over the years the skin on my face has gotten worser and worser. Now I have some scars,many deep skin craters, blemishes, imperfections, uneven skin layers. No job or insurance at this time. I am crushed by this. Please pray for a miracle on the skin on my face. Pray for God to take away the scars, deep skin craters, blemishes, imperfections, uneven skin layers, off the skin on my face and to make them vanish and disappear in Jesus name. Pray for all the damage done to be undone and for the skin on my face to become complete and whole again like in the past. I feel very sad and depressed over this and I dont know how much longer I can hold on. Please pray for me and send to others to pray for me. Thanks, I appreciate it.

Father, hear our prayer through your Son Jesus Christ. Mother Mary, pray for him.

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