Prayer Requests and Praise reports

Prayer Requests and Praise reports November 17, 2010

A reader writes:

1st, a prayer request: Please pray for some family friends who are currently in the hospital with their only daughter. She is only 1 year old and although she’s been in the hospital for over two weeks, they still don’t have a confirmed diagnosis. It is more than likely a life-threatening auto-immune disease. She has been transferred to the ICU as of yesterday because of internal bleeding. Please pray for strength for her parents and for a miraculous healing for their daughter, if it is God’s will!

2nd, a thank you: My husband and I have asked your readers for prayers a few times throughout two miscarriages and the pregnancy of our daughter, which was very difficult (we thought we had miscarried for 5 weeks, we had bleeding multiple times, she was measuring small, and I had preterm labor, which put me on bed rest). Our daughter, Anna Kateri, was born (small but healthy!) in August and is a beautiful blessing to our family and also an example of the power of prayer and God’s graciousness. Thank you to all who prayed for us!

Another reader writes:

Regina’s condition has remained stable for nearly 24 hours now. A feeding tube has been inserted, which sounds bad, but is a positive sign. The doctors have decided to allow the sedation to wear off a little bit instead of keeping Regina completely “out.” While this means that her parents now have to watch her struggle much more, which is horrible for them, it also means that she has been able to squeeze her mother’s hand and give her father a thumbs-up sign in response to their questions, which encourages them and the doctors. The doctors say that, while Regina is still very seriously ill, they now have more hope. One doctor said that her recovery would be a marathon rather than a sprint.

Thank you for your continued prayers. The family gains strength from knowing that so many people all around the country are praying and offering sacrifices for Regina, asking friends to pray for her, putting her name on parish prayer chains, and posting prayer requests for her on blogs.

Another reader writes:

I respect the size of your current multitude of followers, as stealth as some of them may be, and seek the prayers of those who read your blog. Never in my life have I been more attuned to the efficacy of prayer in my personal life and the grace that can be had from being the beneficiary of the prayers of others. I have most recently experienced the grace that God can offer, not in terms of money or anything earthly (although I must say that he has blessed me tremendously), but in the strengthening of my relationships with my children and my wife and in perspective of what is truly important.

Our ninth child was born with a congenital heart defect several months ago. By the grace of God, we were able to know about this several months prior to his birth and had the opportunity to make some preparations for the trials that we were about to endure. This grace, although hard to recognize at the time, was made possible by the miscarriage that my wife suffered several months before. Had the doctors not insist that she see a perinatologist because of the prior complications with her earlier pregnancy, we may have not learned of our baby boy’s condition until he was born.

Our baby boy is alive and has already had his first of many (God willing) surgeries to come, but his condition has required that he remain at the hospital, where he can continue to be monitored until his next surgery. Other than the first few days of his life, my wife has been at his side for almost two months now and, as one could imagine, she has suffered tremendously from not being able to be with the rest of her family. My prayer request is for her. I need the power of God’s grace to shower her. I humbly request the unleashing of the “power” of the prayers that can be had through your blogship for my wife and for our son. I would also request prayers for those who have helped us in our journey – family, friends and coworkers.

Prayer works. Prayer works in ways that one cannot imagine. Prayer works in ways that money or insurance or government mandated healthcare cannot provide. Please pray for her.

Father, hear and answer these prayers through your Son Jesus Christ! Mother Mary, pray for all these people! St. Luke, intercede for their healing. Thank you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for answering our prayers!

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