Reader Steen Heidemann writes…

Reader Steen Heidemann writes… November 11, 2010

I take the liberty of contacting you concerning the unique book published during the year of the priesthood on this subject. (« The Catholic Priest, Image of Christ ») It is a hardback book on the Catholic faith in 560 paintings which could be a marvellous tool for evangelisation. Not only to help priests to ‘meditate the divine, the mystical and the sacramental part of their priesthood’ (words expressed by Mgr Zielinski of the Pontifical Commission for Culture, during the launch of the book in Rome in March), but also to be used to spread the faith to children and adults as it is a kind of illustrated Catechism. I should be be grateful if you would talk about it on your blog.

The first part with text and introduction by the Holy Father and Cardinal Medina is concentrated more on what the priest – IS -, rather than merely on what he does. This is followed by several texts on the holiness and charity of the priest as well as two chapters on the Mass.

Several examples are given in ‘mini chapters’ on Saints like St Bernard, St François de Sales, St Curé d’Ars and martyrs like St Maximillian Kolbe and Bl. Ivan Ziatyk in Ukraine. The issue of the priest as a monk has a major place. At the end before the conclusion by Cardinals Burke and Canizares, the question of what is a call is debated.

It is a book portraying the universal Church with priests from all periods of the history of art. With its high level of page layout, its profound texts and its unique iconography, the book is indeed a tool for contemplation for priests and seminarians for our century, where it has become difficult to be a priest. It is also a tribute to the numerous holy priests today, who by the being and their ministry are ‘Alter Christus’, but at the current date are unknown and often unappreciated heroes.

You can view part of the book on ‘You Tube’, a film taken at the launch in Rome with Cardinal Burke, either by clicking on the link, or placing my name (Steen Heidemann) in the search bar.

Finally, the book also explores the question of which art is worthy to be used in the Church (the illustrations include many paintings and stained glass designs from the 21st century), and provides a gazetteer of significant real Christian artists working for the Church today in a continuation with the past, to use an expression of the Holy Father i.e.
a stand against “Financial art”. This is truly a book to be treasured, to inform the Catholic family, to inspire vocations and to help to reaffirm priests in their divinely appointed mission.

Just for your information, I am Danish by birth and holds diplomas from Oxford in architecture and history of art. I am a convert and was received into the Church at Westminster Cathedral in London. I now live with my French wife and children in Normandy in France where I work as an exhibition organiser.

It is a book that could become an essential part of evangelisation and Catechism classes. It can be purchased from :

USA and Canada (Distributer for Liamar) : Ignatius Press : Rest of English speaking world : Gracewing Publishing in England :

France : L’Oeuvre in Paris : : Cantagalli in Sienna :

Looking forward to be hearing from you, I send you my sincerest and respectful regards with assurance of my prayers.

Looks cool! Check thou it out!

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