Attention Selfish People! Bayer wants you to know

Attention Selfish People! Bayer wants you to know January 28, 2011

that shopping at the Mall, having a “significant other” (note: not a husband! and gift-wrapped in a plastic box), a picnic by a waterfall, a trip to Paris, and buying a big house (although not because you want to fill it with children) are more important than children.

Also, keep your focus on the all the pretty tchotchkes you can buy with all your disposable income, not on the warnings about heart attack, stroke, and various other dire catastrophes that this stuff can cause.

Oh! Here’s an interesting headline: Muslim Population Grows Twice as Fast as Others! Hmmmm. Well, back to buying things from China! Come on, girls! Let’s get in the car and go find some ways to accessorize our Sex in the City lifestyle! This can only go on forever!

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