Everything Proves Global Warming and Nothing Can Ever Disprove It

Everything Proves Global Warming and Nothing Can Ever Disprove It February 1, 2011

A couple of days ago, I linked a little story about the blizzards that everybody in North America (but us Washingtonians) are experiencing and remarked “Global warming. Is there anything it can’t do?”

I was, of course, instantly blizzarded with normal remonstrations about how Weather is Not Climate and that just because there were record low temperatures someplace that didn’t disprove global warming (all of which I know already).

But here the thing, according to the gandersauce principle it is just as out of court for Al Gore to appeal to the current snowstorm as proof of global warming as it is for me to (quite unseriously) appeal to one snowstorm as proof against it. And yet there he is, doing just that, just as he appealed to Katrina as proof of it, while nobody gets to point to the fact that there are fewer hurricanes as proof that it’s rubbish. Indeed, in yet another classic heads we win, tails you lose, the believers in Gaia manage to steal both bases by telling us that hurricanes could be (unless they aren’t) fewer and stronger–because everything proves global warming climate change global climate disruption. If hurricanes become more prevalent that will prove it too. And should we have a mild winter next year, that will prove it too. Basic rule of thumb: bad storms prove that skeptics of “global climate disruption” cherry-pick their data and that Al Gore is a prophet of biblical proportions. All things prove global warming and nothing can disprove it.


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