No. Really. FOX Doesn’t Care About You

No. Really. FOX Doesn’t Care About You February 3, 2011

You are food for a corporation that wants to exploit you, not a person they take seriously. Indeed, you religious types creep them out as much as you creep out Keith Olbermann. And between Rupert Murdoch and Keith Olbermann, laughing at you and your silly primitive rituals is kinda fun. No, the malice and hatred between FOX and, say, MSNBC is over who gets to control Mammon and Bacchus, not over concern about the feelings of the conservative Christian suckers who think some corporation dedicated to those gods actually cares about them.

Jesus loves you. Rupert Murdoch could not care less about you. Don’t be a sucker. Get your gospel from Jesus.

Oh. And if you are still spouting the sucker line about how righteous, upstanding conservative FOXNews is totally different than sleazy FOX Network, Jenny Block here to say, “Thanks, sucker! Anything to pull the wool over the eyes of the yokels.”

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