Ah! What Joy!

Ah! What Joy! March 16, 2011

A reader writes:

Something Significant Has Gone Down. My little girl Thérèse (7) likes the LOTR soundtrack. She heard it on CD a while ago (last year?), and wanted to know all about it. I told her this bit was about Frodo running away from the Bad Guys, and having to go on a lo-ong journey to destroy the Ring. That was when she asked, ‘Is it on DVD yet?’ and I said it was too scary for little people. But she investigated the CD sleeve in great detail, asking A LOT of questions.

Anyhow, Classic FM was on the radio in her and her sister’s room, this weekend past, playing something from the soundtrack. She recognises the music, and seems to remember everything I’ve told her, and asks, ‘Why did they have to destroy the Ring?’, ‘How did they do it?’, ‘Who made it?’, ‘Who was the Elf Queen who kissed Frodo on the head?’… All while I’m starting to get organised to go to ballet. Each answer required background in the story, and each explanation spawned a squillion questions. So, I said, ‘You’ll have to read the books yourself!’
‘Can I read the Lord of the Rings?’ – little eyes lighting up.
‘It’s way too difficult for little girls. And anyway, you have to read The Hobbit first.’
‘Yes! I want to read The Hobbit!’ – jumping up and down a little.
Fine, think I, and on your own head be it. I go and dig it out of the book-case. Thinks: I haven’t read these books in a while…
I give it to her, and tell her to put some clothes on.
She starts pulling her ballet things on, and says, ‘Can you read it for me?’
Patricia (6), tagging along, says, ‘Yes! Read it for us, daddy!’
I’ve checked the clock, and we’ve got about 10 min to spare. So, in a mood of unspeakable fulfilment and joy, I sit down on Patricia’s bed in bright sunshine. And begin… to read… The Hobbit… to my children!
We got about as far as the unexpected party. Thérèse insisted on reading the Dwarves’ song (‘We must away/ere break of day’) herself. I found a suitable break-point and said, ‘Now we have to get dressed.’
After returning from ballet, I came across her on her bed again, she’d got as far as taking off her dancing gear (but no further), and she’d started reading again! Much later, after lunch, I saw the book abandoned.
I said, ‘Did you read any more of the Hobbit?’
Said she, ‘Yes, but it was too difficult.’
‘Yes, I thought so. But you can read it when you’re older. I was 11 when I first read it.’

That’s my girl! What joys await thee!

One of the most fun parts of being a dad was reading this and other stories to my guys. Lovely memories! When I read Helm’s Deep to Peter and we reached the climax of the battle when the Huorns arrive to save the day, he leapt from the couch and ran around the house shouting for joy! Glorious!

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