If only unionized state employee group home workers could marry!

If only unionized state employee group home workers could marry! March 17, 2011

If only women could be unionized state employee group home workers!

A reader writes

The New York Times, after a year-long probe, reports that residents of New York’s group homes for the developmentally disabled — some of society’s most vulnerable citizens — routinely fall victim to physical and sexual abuse.
The abusers?
According to the newspaper, those responsible for the residents’ well-being — the state employees who staff the homes.
In 2009 alone, the Times reported, there were 13,000 allegations of abuse in state-operated and licensed homes — with fewer than 5 percent referred, as required by law, to the police.

When will the state of New York lift its medieval requirements for a male-only celibate pool of state employees that causes all of this?

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