Prolife organization demonstrates that Lying for Jesus is unnecessary

Prolife organization demonstrates that Lying for Jesus is unnecessary March 31, 2011

For those people who were wringing their hands last month, wondering how on earth a big, evil, and powerful organization like Planned Parenthood could ever be stopped if Live Action was not permitted to lie to them, I have good news. An exciting new prolife organization has successfully conducted a humiliating sting operation which conclusively showed that, you guessed it, Planned Parenthood was lying through their teeth when they claimed the needed fed funding for their vital mammogram program.

The name of this new prolife organization?: Live Action.

Turns out they just called a bunch of PP centers and asked about mammograms, only to be told they don’t do mammograms. Whaddaya know? PP lied! Way to go, Live Action! More non-lying stings. Go! Fight! Win!

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