A reader writes…

A reader writes… April 4, 2011

A blessed Lent to you, good sir.

A prayer request if you have the time:

A very dear friend of mine is in a bit of a bad spot. She’s a college graduate with a ton and a half of school debt, is unemployed despite her best efforts, and lives with her parents, both of whom are elderly and on fixed incomes. Should anything happen to them, she has no place to go except the street.

A prayer from you and your readers would be very much appriciated.

Also, I know that with the economy the way it is everyone is strapped for cash right now, but if any of your readers would like to help her out, I’ve included a link to the donation website.

Father, hear our prayer that this woman quickly find employment and be able to get out of debt and on with her life to your glory through Christ our Lord. Mother Mary, pray for her that she would prosper and be happy in your Son Jesus. Amen!

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