Poor Christopher Hitchens

Poor Christopher Hitchens April 27, 2011

Still doing the atheist thing as he approaches death.

On the bright side, he has a charitable relationship with Christians such as Francis Collins, so one can hope that grace will find ways to work in nooks and crannies of the heart where deformed reason has not shored up the artillery against God.

The Almighty is unscrupulous and has, I suspect, made inroads into harder hearts than Hitchens by virtue of a love or a friendship that could penetrate into areas where no mere argument could go.  I think of the Communist friend of Monsignor Quixote.  At any rate, I continue to hope that the guy will find mercy in the Great Assizes and that the bluster and braggadocio will fall away in the presence of the Light.  I can’t help but like the guy, even when I think him a blaspheming lunatic.  Human love is funny that way.

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