St. Francis Mission Online Donation Campaign

St. Francis Mission Online Donation Campaign April 4, 2011

They write:

I want to thank you for the support you’ve given the Mission over the last few months (posting my email & Mike O’s email). This Lent, we’re running an online donation & awareness campaign, and are looking to spread the word on a few fronts. Would there be any way you could post the following note to your readers?

The St. Francis Mission in South Dakota is running an online donation campaign in April. You can learn more about the Mission here. If anyone is interested in helping, we need help in the following areas:

• Sharing the link above on Facebook and Twitter – consider it a donation!

• Follow the St. Francis Mission on Twitter @thesfmission or on Facebook
• Watch our ongoing video series about the Mission at our YouTube Channel:
• Consider making a donation to the Mission
• Remember us in your Lenten prayers!

Thank you so much, and God Bless!

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