Daniel Nichols Nails It

Daniel Nichols Nails It May 19, 2011

Quoth he:
The Party of small government strikes again:

Osama bin Laden had been dead only a few days when House Republicans began their efforts to expand, rather than contract, the war on terror. Not content with the president’s wide-ranging powers to pursue the archcriminals of Sept. 11, 2001, Republicans want to authorize the military to pursue virtually anyone suspected of terrorism, anywhere on earth, from now to the end of time.”

The Thing That Used to Be Conservatism, very simply, wants War Without End, in secula seculorum, amen.

They want sweeping executive powers for the President (and that includes this one) to arrest and detain anybody, citizen or not, forever without trial. And they want the power to kill anybody they want, citizen or not, without trial if they can shout loudly enough that the Undesirable is an Enemy of the State. They are selling it as “Peace and Safety” (a very biblical phrase). It is a formula for tyranny. Our Ruling Classes, on both sides of the aisle, have one increasingly focused goal: power for themselves gained under the guise of protecting us from The Great Fear.

The people who support this, on both sides of the aisle, are a menace and a greater threat to our nation than the terrorists are.

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