Thoughts Occasioned by Harold Camping

Thoughts Occasioned by Harold Camping May 24, 2011

As you may have noticed, nothing happened on May 21 but some really good Rapture jokes (personal favorite: “People are telling rapture jokes like there’s no tomorrow.”)

However, nothing daunted, Harold “More Wrong about Everything than Even Bill Kristol” Camping continues unabated, having figured out within 48 hours of yet another false prophecy that the prophecy wasn’t false but was, in fact, fulfilled *spiritually* on May 21, meaning that Judgement Day is still set for October 21.

What amazes me was one true believer out there on the web saying “1994 was strike one, and May 21 was strike two” but who was still willing to give him one more chance. That’s what one guy I know calls “active stupidity”.

Me: I’m grateful in a back-handed way to Camping. I was (pun alert) camping this weekend with the Scouts over in Eastern Washington and, as we stood around the campfire saying our Rosary and watching the last red sky in the west fade, it sort of hit me that God suspends Judgement Day each moment and continues to hold everything in being when, really, it would be much less of a nuisance for him to just let all creation go away. When you think of the universe as actively willed by God from nanosecond to nanosecond and realize that Creation is happening *right now* not long ago at the Big Bang, you realize what a mind-boggling act of generosity it is. When you realize that the Redemption via the Passion, death and Resurrection of Jesus is superadded on to that act of generosity and is, itself, part of what hold creation in being and keeps it all from going to smash… wow! That Mass that’s being said somewhere in the world right now may be the only thing that is stopping judgment from coming.

Thanks be to God!

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