600 Followers! June 16, 2011

Reader Steve Reeves, a drooling sycophant of mine, writes in lickspittle suckupery:

Received my order today – thank you very much! I’m glad to do what I can to help out the author of my favorite Catholic blog, and of course my Dark Lord and Master. As one of your unthinking loyal minions, I would never dare to suggest that perhaps some cost-cutting measures may be in order. For instance, is it really necessary to have Pits of Despair or could you scale back to Potholes of Mild Annoyance? And is it wise to keep your own in-house staff of Pain Technicians when an offshore Consolidated Displeasure Delivery Center in India can do the job for a fraction of the cost? In any case, I’m glad to help support you as you work toward your goals of putting a Planned Parenthood clinic on every corner, giving terrorists free reign, and getting Obama re-elected. Your strategy of trying to confuse the righteous with gobbledy-gook about “morals” and “what the Church teaches” and “common sense” is brilliant. Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me!

I didn’t even know Hercules read my blog! I will definitely need you in my Praetorian Guard of Beefy Goons. As to your suggestions, I find creativity on the part of Followers to be dangerous and threatening, and I will be contacting one of my crack lobotomy teams to deal with your unseemly outbusrt of independent thought.

That is all!

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