Leah LIbresco is my favorite atheist

Leah LIbresco is my favorite atheist July 15, 2011

What I love about her is that, unlike those in the “new atheist” subculture, she uses her intellect instead of merely worshipping it.

And she needs your help:

The first round of my religion Turing test was a smashing success. Can you help me recruit judges one more time? I did a little write-up to post below:

Thanks for the linking last week. The results of the first round of my religion-themed Ideological Turing Test will be up soon. Now I need judges and voters for the second round.

This week, a slate of 15 Christian and atheist participants wrote answers to questions intended for Christians. The Christians answered honestly and the atheists tried to answer as they thought a Christian would. Now, it’s up to reader to guess who was sincere and who was shamming. (There’s a slightly more involved explanation here).

Everyone is invited to look through the responses and see if they can spot the fakes. The link to the survey is up here.

By Wednesday, I’ll reveal the answers and we’ll see how well both sides do at knowing what the other side actually thinks!

Go forth, minions!

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