Professional Interrogator to Armchair Interrogaters

Professional Interrogator to Armchair Interrogaters September 13, 2011

Torture, which we did at the orders of the Bush/Cheney Administration while American Catholics, to their shame, supported it in greater percentages than the general population, is a) evil, b) stupid, c) counter-productive, and d) deeply destructive of our souls–actually making us less safe from terror and a more corrupt people than the mere abortion-loving nation we already are. I’m proud of the Witherspoon Institute for publishing this. I hope more conservative outfits undertake this cleansing of memory and work to move the Right away from this revolting embrace of folly.

Years from now, Catholic apologists will have the tedious task of pointing out to anti-Catholics that it was never the Church that supported this despicable lapse into barbarism, just Catholics who chose to ignore and rationalize away this obvious teaching of the Church.

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