Steve Greydanus offers a *real* challenge

Steve Greydanus offers a *real* challenge October 6, 2011

…to the producers of a new batch of Bible films.

Hear, hear!  The field is fraught with possibility and peril.  I, for one, think Spielberg could make a fine film on Moses if he can just restrain his need to bring Daddy Issues into it.

Oh, can I just add that Steve’s counsel to “question skepticism” is good advice for postmoderns generally when it comes to the Judeo-Christian tradition?  It’s not that postmoderns are hard-boiled skeptics.  Far from it.  They are fantastically credulous–about everything except matters pertaining to the Christian tradition.

And nowhere is this more true than in the filmmaking community.  Witness my hilarious encounter with Scott the Hollywood Dude.

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