This Cracked Me Up

This Cracked Me Up October 5, 2011

HT: Kathy Shaidle

The other day, somebody was denouncing The Anchoress as one of them damn libruls. I have to wonder what bubble one has to live in to imagine that the Anchoress is a liberal. Leftism seems to have devolved into a remarkably tepid affair, nothing like the fire-breathing Maoists or butchers like Che Guevara. The ice cold machine-like men of slaughter like Stalin are gone (except for our dear, dear most favored nation friends in China).  Here in the States, the Left is almost entirely a wholly-owned subsidiary of corporate America like everything else. Periodically somebody on the left stamps their foot in impotent rage at Obama sucking up to Goldman Sachs or launching yet another war from behind his Nobel Peace Prize For Not Being George W. Bush, but then the herd of timid Dem drones shushes such independent thought because, yipes!, what if Obama loses and a Republican wins!? So the pathetic excuse that used to bthe e “anti-war left” stands around comparing Bush to Hitler over a double tall latte, pipes down and falls into step while the Administration that promised them the Millennium just does the same tired war and graft as any other bunch of seedy pols.

It’s sort of funny. Both the Left and Right speak of each other as cunning masters of manipulation who are on the brink of seizing power and turning the US into a totalitarian police state. Meanwhile, each speak of their own leaders as compromising scum who are letting the Enemy win and betraying all the dearest principles of their loyal supporters. But the moment you suggest that perhaps it would be better to vote for somebody who doesn’t do that in a third party, partisans of both sides shout you down and call you insane.

I sometimes think the rank and file of both parties are much closer to each other than they realize and that it is only their leaders who benefit from keeping them apart.

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