Another Reason to be Grateful

Another Reason to be Grateful November 23, 2011

Geron Announcement Throws Stem Cell Research into Question

In the wake of a California-based research company’s decision to drop the world’s first clinical trial using human embryonic stem cells, many investigators who once held to the promise of stem cell research now wonder whether the field of embryonic stem cell research has been abandoned in the U.S. completely.

The company, Geron, which pioneered the field of embryonic stem cell research, announced its decision Monday to drop its study on stem cells for spinal cord injury.

Geron cited costs as the primary reason, saying the payoff of stem cell research wouldn’t come close to other more lucrative projects. The company would be better off allocating financial resources to research for cancer therapies that are near completion in development, company representatives said.

Given that adult stem cells work and ESCR is cannibalism, we can hope that more evil capitalists who have been trying to make cannibalism pay will listen to the bottom line if they don’t listen to their conscience. Not ideal, but better than nothing.

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