Despite all the ninniness of the OWS people…

Despite all the ninniness of the OWS people… November 16, 2011

…it is important to recognize that they still have a very Catholic point, that this point will not be going away, and that the epic thievery which begot the protests is still going on unabated. Do remember that the epic thieves own the new cameras and microphones and are very skilled at distracting people as they pick pockets. When the state is in the business of grabbing your cash in order to bail out corporations that are too big to fail, the first and most obvious solution is to break the corps up into small business that can be allowed to fail if their execs are incompetent, rather than fed with your money. Everybody laughs at the OWS freeloader who want you to pay his tuition. Nobody notices the corporate freeloaders who are bailed out as a reward for their incompetent greed in a system where, as John Medaille aptly puts it, profits are privatized and losses are socialized.

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