666 Followers! December 12, 2011

Dearest Minions, Suckups, Toadies and Dribbling Sycophants:

I am gratified to report that not only has Patheos graciously restored the little dealie that tells me how many followers I have (over on the right rail), but as an extra-special Dark Lord bonus, I actually really and truly have 666 followers!

In celebration of this delightful serendipity, I will suspend playing Meatloaf’s Greatest Hits over the loudspeakers in the Pits of Despair during lunch today.

Also, follower #666 is entitled to an extra ration of thin watery gruel–just because I feel all tingly and full of beans today.

Tomorrow we will resume your normal regimen of pointless suffering and  the thrilling pleasure of my voice and face monologuing  about my Visions for the Future and my brilliant plan to ignite the atmosphere–all pouring at top volume from the hundreds of flickering black and white screens bombarding you from every direction.  In time you will grow to… love me… serve me…obey my every capricious whim.

That is all!

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