Bravo Rand Paul!

Bravo Rand Paul! December 2, 2011

While our elites are laboring to gut civil right back to pre-Magna Carta levels with the passage SB 1867, one heroic senator was at least able to win a small partial victory. Here’s the story:

The bill (which passed) had an amendment aiming to make this horrible assault on our liberties even more ghastly. The bill as it stands will allow Caesar to arrest you without charge and detain you forever without counsel, if he decides to say you are a terrorist or somebody affiliated with terrorists. That is folly enough, but they wanted to attach an amendment which would allow the state to continue detaining you even if you were found not guilty in a civil court. Against this even more egregious assault on our freedom (led, natch, by the now officially insane Republican party, with the bipartisan cooperation of some Dems), Rand Paul sallied forth to do battle and won. The bill still passed but without that final gobbet of mucus hocked up and spat upon Magna Carta and the Constitution by our now thoroughly anti-American elites in the Senate.

Obama *says* he will veto it. However, Obama also just said that the Court has no power to tell him that he can’t murder American citizens on his unilateral royal decree. I’ll believe he will veto this dangerous and treasonous betrayal of the Constitution when I see it.

Meanwhile, huzzah to Rand Paul for doing a heroic thing in opposing the disgusting sovietization of American security that is being led, to their lasting shame, by the Thing that Used to be Conservatism. Every Senator that voted for this should be tried for treason.

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